Grey Leifer’s path to End-of-life care

Grey lost their mother to leukemia as a toddler. Being sent to live with their great aunt and uncle also separated them from their father, put them in a new environment to navigate. Their entire extended family, including their father agreed to complete secrecy around the matter. Four years later they were legally adopted into this family but not told any of this until age 12. Having always felt that something was really off, this information put many aspects of their life in perspective and processing this reality set their life long healing journey in motion. Being present and able to witness many family friends & relatives through illness and death in their childhood created a sense of familiarity with dying. The natural arch of existence was always present for Grey and they spent many years watching, studying and holding space for their loved ones as they coped (or didn't) with illness, dementia, addiction, suicide, cancer, old age and dying.

After 20+ years in the fashion industry, Grey came to a crossroad in their career and realized they finally had an opportunity to put this particular line of personal understanding to use while being of service to their community. Now in their 50s, with decades of meditation, therapy, alternative medicine, eastern medicine and an intense, personal spiritual practice they have devoted their life to helping people create the space, time and safety it requires to heal ourselves (even in sickness) so we can leave this plane of existence with a sense of awe, appreciation, unending connectedness and abundant love.

“In order to practice active mourning, we need time and safety… two of the hardest things to come by in our current culture.”

- Grey Leifer

Photo by Adrianna Favero